Accueil > Research > Publications
Summary :
– book edited : 1
– book chapters : 2
– journals : 21
– international conferences : 59
– national conferences : 10
– invited talks : 4
– thesis : 2
– total : 99
– in submission : 6
– book edited : 1
– book chapters : 2
– journals : 21
– international conferences : 59
– national conferences : 10
– invited talks : 4
– thesis : 2
– total : 99
– in submission : 6
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– dblp bibliography
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Book edited
- Algebra, Codes and Cryptology
C. Gueye, E. Persichetti, P.-L. Cayrel and J. Buchmann
First International Conference, A2C 2019 in honor of Prof. Mamadou Sanghare, Dakar, Senegal, December 5 - 7, 2019 [DOI]
Book chapters
- Cryptography Based on Error Correcting Codes : A Survey
M. Repka and P.-L. Cayrel
Multidisc. Persp. in Cryptology and Information Security, 133 - 156, 2014 [DOI] - Identity - based Identification and Signature Schemes using Error Correcting Codes
P.-L. Cayrel, P. Gaborit and M. Girault
Identity - Based Cryptography, 119 - 134, 2009 [DOI]
International journals
- Full Key-Recovery Cubic-Time Template Attack on Classic McEliece Decapsulation
V. F. Dragoi, B. Colombier, N. Vallet, P.-L. Cayrel and V. Grosso
IACR Transactions of Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems, 2025 [DOI] - Integer Syndrome Decoding in the Presence of Noise
V. F. Dragoi, B. Colombier, P.-L. Cayrel and V. Grosso
Journal of Cryptography and Communications, 2024 [DOI] - Hardware Security for IoT in the Quantum Era : Survey and Challenges
D. Dione, B. Seck, I. Diop, P.-L. Cayrel, D. Faye and I. Gueye
Journal of Information Security, vol. 14, pp. 227 - 249, 2023 [DOI] - Profiled Side-channel Attack on Cryptosystems based on the Binary Syndrome Decoding Problem
B. Colombier, V. F. Dragoi, P.-L. Cayrel and V. Grosso
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, vol. 17, pp. 3407 - 3420, 2022 [pdf] [DOI] - A Novel Niederreiter-like cryptosystem based on the (u|u+v)-construction codes
R. Mahdjoubi, P.-L. Cayrel, S. Akleylek and G. Kenza.
RAIRO - Theoretical Informatics and Applications, EDP Sciences, 55, pp.10, 2021 [DOI] - Solving a Modified Syndrome Decoding Problem using Integer Programming
V. F. Dragoi, P.-L. Cayrel, B. Colombier, D. Bucerzan and S. Hoara
International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, vol 15-5, 2020 [DOI] - A Privacy-Preserving Code-Based Authentication Protocol for Internet of Things
N. Chikouche, P.-L. Cayrel, E. H. M. Mboup, B. O. Boidje
Journal of Supercomputing, 8231 - 8261, 2019 [DOI] - DAGS : Key Encapsulation using Dyadic GS Codes ★
G. Banegas, P.S.L.M. Barreto, B. Odilon Boidje, P.-L. Cayrel, G.N. Dione, K. Gaj, C.T. Gueye, R. Haeussler, J.B. Klamti, O. N’diaye, D. Tri Nguyen, E. Persichetti and J.E. Ricardini
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 12 (4), 221 - 239, 2018 [DOI] [pdf] [code] [website] - A Pseudorandom Number Generator Based on Worst-Case Lattice Problems
P.-L. Cayrel, M. Meziani, O. N’diaye, R. Lindner and R. Silva
Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 28, 1 - 12, 2017 [DOI] - RFID Authentication Protocols Based on Error-Correcting Codes : A Survey
N. Chikouche, F. Cherif, P.-L. Cayrel and M. Benmohammed
Wireless Personal Communications Springer 94 1 - 19 2017 [DOI] - Improved Timing Attacks against the Secret Permutation in the McEliece PKC
D. Bucerzan, P.-L. Cayrel, V. Dragoi and T. Richmond
Inter. Journal of Computers Communications & Control, 12(1) 7 - 25 2017 [DOI] - On lower bounds for Information Set Decoding over Fq and on the effect of Partial Knowledge
R.Niebuhr, E. Persichetti, P.-L. Cayrel, S. Bulygin and J. Buchmann
Inter. Journal of Information and Coding Theory, (1) 47 - 78 2017 [DOI] - NP-completeness of the random binary quasi-dyadic Coset Weight problem and the random binary quasi-dyadic Subspace Weight problem
P.-L. Cayrel, M. K. Diagne and C. T. Gueye
Inter. Journal of Information and Coding Theory,4 (4), 276 - 288, 2017 [DOI] - Extended Security Arguments for Signature Schemes
Ö. Dagdelen, D. Galindo, P. Véron, S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui and P.-L. Cayrel
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 78(2) 441 - 461 2016 [DOI] - Critical attacks in code-based cryptography
P.-L. Cayrel, C. T. Gueye, O. Ndiaye and R. Niebuhr
Inter. Journal of Information and Coding Theory, 3(2) 158 - 176 2015 [DOI] - A Secure Code-Based Authentication Scheme for RFID Systems
N. Chikouche, F. Cherif, P.-L. Cayrel and M. Benmohammed
Inter. Journal of Computer Network and Information Security 1 - 9 2015 [DOI] [pdf] - Improved RFID Authentication Protocol based on Randomized McEliece Cryptosystem
N. Chikouche, F. Cherif, P.-L. Cayrel and M. Benmohammed
Inter. Journal of Network Security, 17(4) 413 - 422 2015 [DOI] - Improved zero-knowledge identification with lattices
P.-L. Cayrel, R. Lindner, M. Ruckert and R. Silva
Tatracrypt Mountains Mathematical Publications, 53 33 - 63 2012 [DOI] [pdf] - Post-quantum cryptography : lattice identification schemes
R. Silva, P.-L. Cayrel and J. Buchmann
Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen, 79(3-4) 729 - 748 2011 [pdf] [bib] - A New Efficient Threshold Ring Signature Scheme based on Coding Theory ★
C. Aguilar Melchor, P.-L. Cayrel, P. Gaborit and F. Laguillaumie
IEEE Trans. Inf. Theory, 57(7) 4833 - 4842 2011 [pdf] [bib] - Quasi-cyclic codes as codes over rings of matrices
P.-L. Cayrel, C. Chabot and A. Necer
Finite Fields and their Applications, 16(2) 100 - 115 2010 [pdf] [bib] [talk]
International conferences/workshops
- A Side-Channel Attack against Classic McEliece when loading the Goppa Polynomial
B. Seck, P.-L. Cayrel, V. F. Dragoi, I. Diop, M. Barbier, J. B. Klamti, V. Grosso and B. Colombier
Africacrypt 2023, LNCS 14064, 105 - 125 [DOI] - Punctured Syndrome Decoding Problem
V. Grosso, P.-L. Cayrel, B. Colombier and V. F. Dragoi
COSADE 2023, LNCS 13979, 170 - 192 [DOI] - Key-recovery by side-channel information on the matrix-vector product in code-based cryptosystems
B. Seck, P.-L. Cayrel, I. Diop, V. F. Dragoi, K. Couzon, B. Colombier and V. Grosso
ICISC 2022, LNCS 13849, 219 - 234 [DOI] - Software Implementation of a Code-Based Key Encapsulation Mechanism from Binary QD Generalized Srivastava Code
B. Seck, C. T. Gueye, G. N. Dione, J. B. Klamti, P.-L. Cayrel, I. Diop and O. Ndiaye
CBCrypto 2022, LNCS 13839, 77 - 89 [DOI] - Integer Syndrome Decoding in the Presence of Noise ★
V. F. Dragoi, B. Colombier, P.-L. Cayrel and V. Grosso
ITW 2022, IEEE, 482 - 487 [DOI] - Cryptanalysis of a code-based identification scheme presented in CANS 2018 (invited paper)
B. Seck, P.-L. Cayrel, I. Diop and M. Barbier
IC4S 2022, CCIS 1747, 3 - 19 [DOI] - Reducing the Goppa polynomial search complexity using a Template Attack on Classic McEliece
B. Seck, P.-L. Cayrel, I. Diop, M. Barbier, J. B. Klamti, V. F. Dragoi and E. M. Benhani
Africacrypt 2022, poster - Integer Syndrome Decoding Problem in the Presence of Noise
P.-L. Cayrel, B. Colombier, V. F. Dragoi and V. Grosso
CBCrypto 2022 and Cryptarchi 2022 - Message-recovery Laser Fault Injection Attack on the Classic McEliece Cryptosystem ★
P.-L. Cayrel, B. Colombier, V. F. Dragoi, A. Menu and L. Bossuet
Eurocrypt 2021 LNCS 12697, 438 - 467 [DOI] [video] - Optimized and secure implementation of ROLLO I
L. Mortajine, O. Benchaalal, P.-L. Cayrel, N. El Mrabet and J. Lablanche
CBCrypto 2020 LNCS 12087, 117 - 137 [DOI] [video] - Improvement of binary and non binary Statistical Decoding Algorithm
P.-L. Cayrel, C.T. Gueye, J.B. Klamti, J.A. Khan and E. Persichetti
ICISC 2019 LNCS 11975, 194 - 207 [DOI] - DAGS Reloaded : Revisiting Dyadic Key Encapsulation
G. Banegas, P.S.L.M. Barreto, B. Odilon Boidje, P.-L. Cayrel, G.N. Dione, K. Gaj, C.T. Gueye, R. Haeussler, J.B. Klamti, O. N’diaye, D. Tri Nguyen, E. Persichetti and J.E. Ricardini
CBC 2019 LNCS 11666, 69 - 85 [DOI] - Efficient Implementation of Hybrid Encryption from Coding Theory
P.-L. Cayrel, C. T. Gueye, E. H. Modou Mboup, O. Ndiaye and E. Persichetti
C2SI 2017 LNCS 10194, 254 - 264 [DOI] - DPA on the Secure Bit Permutation in the McEliece PKC
M. Petrvalsky, T. Richmond, M. Drutarovsky, P.-L. Cayrel and V. Fischer
Radioelek. 2016 IEEE, 132 - 137. [DOI] - New GPT cryptosystem based on the (u,u + v)-construction codes
H. Moufek, R. Mahdjoubi, P.-L. Cayrel and K. Guenda
ICCC 2015 71 - 78. [DOI] - NP-completeness of the coset weight problem for quasi-dyadic codes
P.-L. Cayrel, K. Diagne and C. T. Gueye
ICCC 2015 98-106. [DOI] - SBS : A Fast and Provably Secure Code-Based Stream Cipher
P.-L. Cayrel, M. Meziani and O. Ndiaye
ICCC 2015 137-149. [DOI] - A pseudorandom number generator based on worst-case lattice problems
P.-L. Cayrel, M. Meziani, O. Ndiaye, R. Lindner and R. Silva
ICCC 2015 150-162. [DOI] - A Survey on RFID Authentication Protocols Based on Error-Correcting Codes
N. Chikouche, F. Chérif, P.-L. Cayrel and M. Benmohammed
ICCC 2015 203, poster. [DOI] - Weaknesses in Two RFID Authentication Protocols
N. Chikouche, F. Cherif, P.-L. Cayrel and M. Benmohammed
C2SI 2015 LNCS 9084, 162-172. [DOI] [pdf] - Countermeasure against the SPA Attack on an Embedded McEliece Cryptosystem
M. Petrvalsky, T. Richmond, M. Drutarovsky, P.-L. Cayrel and V. Fischer
MAREW 2015 IEEE, 462-466. [DOI] [pdf] [talk] [post.] - Efficient Software Implementations of Code-based Hash Functions and Stream-Ciphers
P.-L. Cayrel, M. Meziani, O. Ndiaye and Q. Santos
WAIFI 2014 LNCS 9061, 187-203. [DOI] [pdf] [talk] - Polynomial structures in code-based cryptography
V. Dragoi, P.-L. Cayrel, B. Colombier and T. Richmond
Indocrypt 2013 LNCS 8250, 286-296. [DOI] [pdf] [talk] - Code-based identification and signature schemes in software
S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui, P.-L. Cayrel, R. El Bansarkhani and G. Hoffmann
MoCrySEn 2013 LNCS 8128, 122-136. [DOI] [pdf] [talk] - A Secure Implementation of a Goppa Decoder
T. Richmond, P.-L. Cayrel, V. Fischer and P. Véron
Cryptarchi 2013 - Improving the Performance of the SYND Stream Cipher
M. Meziani, G. Hoffmann and P.-L. Cayrel
Africacrypt 2012 LNCS 7374, 99-116. [DOI] [pdf] [talk] - Extended Security Arguments for Signature Schemes
S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui, Ö. Dagdelen, P. Véron, D. Galindo and P.-L. Cayrel
Africacrypt 2012 LNCS 7374, 19-34. [DOI] [talk] - An improved threshold ring signature scheme based on error correcting codes
P.-L. Cayrel, S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui, G. Hoffmann and P. Véron
WAIFI 2012 LNCS 7369, 45-63. [DOI] [pdf] [talk] - Efficient implementation of a CCA2-secure variant of McEliece using generalized Srivastava codes ★
P.-L. Cayrel, G. Hoffmann and E. Persichetti
PKC 2012 LNCS 7293, 138-155. [DOI] [web] [pdf] [talk] - Broadcast attacks against code-based schemes
R. Niebuhr and P.-L. Cayrel
WEWoRC 2011 LNCS 7242, 1-17. [DOI] [pdf] [talk] - Improved identity-based identification and signature schemes using Quasi-Dyadic Goppa codes
S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui, P.-L. Cayrel and M. Meziani
ISA 2011 CCIS 200, 146-155. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - S-FSB : An Improved Variant of the FSB Hash Family
M. Meziani, Ö. Dagdelen, P.-L. Cayrel and S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui
ISA 2011 CCIS 200, 132-145. [DOI] [web] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - 2SC : an Efficient Code-based Stream Cipher
M. Meziani, P.-L. Cayrel and S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui
ISA 2011 CCIS 200, 111-122. [DOI] [web] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - GPU Implementation of the Keccak Hash Function Family
P.-L. Cayrel, G. Hoffmann and M. Schneider
ISA 2011 CCIS 200, 33-42. [DOI] [web] [pdf] [bib] - Recent progress in code-based cryptography
P.-L. Cayrel, S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui, G. Hoffmann, M. Meziani and R. Niebuhr
ISA 2011 CCIS 200, 21-32. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Lattice-based Zero-knowledge Identification with Low Communication Cost
R. Silva, P.-L. Cayrel and R. Lindner
SBSEG 2011 [pdf] [bib] - Hash Functions Based on Coding Theory
M. Meziani, S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui and P.-L. Cayrel
WCCCS 2011 32-37. [web] [pdf] [talk] - Improving the efficiency of GBA against certain structured cryptosystems
R.Niebuhr, P.-L. Cayrel and J. Buchmann
WCC 2011 163-172. [pdf] [bib] [talk] - A Lattice-Based Batch Identification Scheme
R. Silva, P.-L. Cayrel and R. Lindner
ITW 2011 IEEE, 215-219. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Efficient implementation of code-based identification/signatures schemes
P.-L. Cayrel, S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui, F. Gunther, G. Hoffmann and H. Rother
WEWoRC 2011 [web] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - A zero-knowledge identification scheme based on the q-ary Syndrome Decoding problem ★
P.-L. Cayrel, P. Véron and S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui
SAC 2010 LNCS 6544, 171-186. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Quasi Dyadic CFS Signature Scheme
P.S.L.M. Barreto, P.-L. Cayrel, R. Misoczki and R. Niebuhr
Inscrypt 2010 LNCS 6584, 336-349. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Improved Zero-knowledge Identification with Lattices
P.-L. Cayrel, R. Lindner, M. Ruckert and R. Silva
ProvSec 2010 LNCS 6402, 1-16. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - A Lattice-Based Threshold Ring Signature Scheme
P.-L. Cayrel, R. Lindner, M. Ruckert and R. Silva
Latincrypt 2010 LNCS 6212, 255-272. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Post-Quantum Cryptography : Code-based Signatures
P.-L. Cayrel and M. Meziani
ISA 2010 LNCS 6059, 82-99. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] - Attacking code/lattice-based cryptosystems using Partial Knowledge
R.Niebuhr, P.-L. Cayrel, S. Bulygin and J. Buchmann
Inscrypt 2010 SPC [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Multi-Signature Scheme based on Coding Theory
M. Meziani and P.-L. Cayrel
ICCCIS 2010 186-192. [bib] [talk] - Dual Construction of Stern-based Signature Schemes
P.-L. Cayrel and S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui
ICCCIS 2010 369-374. [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Side channels attacks in code-based cryptography
P.-L. Cayrel and F. Strenzke
COSADE 2010 24-28. [pdf] [bib] - On lower bounds for Information Set Decoding over Fq
R. Niebuhr, P.-L. Cayrel, S. Bulygin and J. Buchmann
SCC 2010 143-157. [pdf] [bib] [talk] - McEliece/Niederreiter PKC : sensitivity to fault injection
P.-L. Cayrel and P. Dusart
FEAS 2010 IEEE, 1-6. [DOI] [bib] - Reducing Key Length of the McEliece Cryptosystem ★
T. P. Berger, P.-L. Cayrel, P. Gaborit and A. Otmani
Africacrypt 2009 LNCS 5580, 77-97. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Fault injection’s sensitivity of the McEliece PKC
P.-L. Cayrel and P. Dusart
WEWoRC 2009 84-88. [pdf] [bib] - New results on the Stern identification and signature scheme
P.-L. Cayrel
Bull. Brasov 2009 2(51), Series III, 3-10. [pdf] [talk] - A New Efficient Threshold Ring Signature Scheme based on Coding Theory ★
C. Aguilar Melchor, P.-L. Cayrel and P. Gaborit
PQCrypto 2008 LNCS 5299, 1-16. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Secure Implementation of the Stern Signature Scheme for Low-Resource Devices
P.-L. Cayrel, P. Gaborit and E. Prouff
CARDIS 2008 LNCS 5189, 191-205. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - On Kabatianskii-Krouk-Smeets Signatures
P.-L. Cayrel, A. Otmani and D. Vergnaud
WAIFI 2007 LNCS 4547, 237-251. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Improved algorithm to find equations for algebraic attacks for combiners with memory
F. Armknecht, P.-L. Cayrel, P. Gaborit and O. Ruatta
BFCA 2007 81-98. [pdf] [bib] [talk] - Identity-based identification and signature schemes using correcting codes ★
P.-L. Cayrel, P. Gaborit and M. Girault
WCC 2007 69-78. [DOI] [pdf] [bib] [talk]
National conferences
- Cryptographie post-quantique, poster.
L. Mortajine, N. El Mrabet, V. Dupaquis and P.-L. Cayrel
PHISIC 2018 [pdf] - A zero-knowledge identification scheme based on the q-ary Syndrome Decoding problem
P.-L. Cayrel, P. Véron and S. M. El Yousfi Alaoui
KRYPTOTAG 2010 [pdf] - Quasi Dyadic CFS Signature Scheme
P.S.L.M. Barreto, P.-L. Cayrel, R. Misoczki and R. Niebuhr
KRYPTOTAG 2010 [pdf] [talk] - Algorithme de décodage (Reed-Muller)
P.-L. Cayrel and R. Fourquet
MAJECSTIC 2009 [pdf] - Nouveaux résultats en cryptographie basée sur les codes correcteurs d’erreurs
P.-L. Cayrel
MAJECSTIC 2009 [pdf] - Code-Based Signature Schemes
P.-L. Cayrel
KWE 2008 23 - 27 [pdf] [talk] - Dis-moi ce que tu consommes, je te dirai qui tu es
P.-L. Cayrel and N. El Mrabet
MAJECSTIC 2008 [pdf] [talk] - Schémas de signature prouvés sûrs fondés sur la théorie des codes correcteurs d’erreurs
P.-L. Cayrel and L. Dallot
MAJECSTIC 2008 [pdf] - Attaques algébriques
M. Barbier and P.-L. Cayrel
MAJECSTIC 2008 [pdf] [talk] - Algorithme amélioré de recherche d’équations dans le cas d’attaques algébriques des registres avec mémoire
F. Armknecht, P.-L. Cayrel, P. Gaborit and O. Ruatta
MAJECSTIC 2007 239 - 243 [pdf]
Invited talks
- Code-based identification and signature schemes
P.-L. Cayrel
SOFA - Special Session on Advances in Cryptology : from theory to practice 2020 - Code-based cryptography : from McEliece to the NIST competition
P.-L. Cayrel
ACA - Special Session on Computer Algebra and application to combinatorics, coding theory and cryptography 2019 - Recent progress in code - based cryptography
P.-L. Cayrel
Tatracrypt 2012 and Cryptarchi 2012 - New results in code-based cryptography
P.-L. Cayrel
PQSM workshop 2010
- Contributions à la cryptographie basée sur les codes correcteurs d’erreurs
H.D.R. Université Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France 2022 [pdf] - Construction et optimisation des cryptosystèmes basés sur les codes correcteurs d’erreurs
Ph.D. Université de Limoges, France 2008 [pdf]